Saturday, August 28, 2010


Sorry I have been very, very busy. We went camping at Big Sur for a week and then returned for four days, then on to Avila Beach near Morrow Bay for a week, and then home for two weeks and then we go to Monterey/Carmel/Napa for ten days. Oh my! I might need a vacation after the vacation. I have a month to rest up for HOUSTON! I do intend to finish the house project with envelopes 4 and 5 soon. I hope everyone is having a good and productive summer. Hello to my new followers, and thanks to everyone for continuing to check in from time to time. To my Tues class..I know some of you are having some stressful times. As the saying goes, this too shall pass. Keep in touch.( In case you are interested the "photo" is fused.)
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