Wednesday, August 19, 2020


 I have recently returned to Blogger and found some changes I  have not figured out. I am unable to get email notification of comments and am unable to reply to comments. Your comments are very important to me. I try to include all the info on a project in case you want to make your own. If you need more info, email me at My whole purpose is to share and have a conversation about quilting.



 I have always wanted a 301 Singer in Black, preferably with the long bed. This one is a short bed that came in a beautiful cabinet ( I have no room for it so it is not shown. Currently living in the garage.)

After good oiling and lubricating, it works perfectly. I need to replace the bobbin tire and cord. The machine shows very little wear. At $100.00, I am a lucky ducky.

Sunday, August 16, 2020

Looking Pretty

 I have become serious about my knitting. There are so many beautiful yarns available and different techniques. I have taken to becoming a "picker versus a thrower". Much easier on my hands and it really makes knitting look effortless to me. So I decided I needed new project bags for my new pretty work.

The pebble quilting gives great texture on Grunge fabric. I used Jen Bakers drawstring pattern.