Sunday, August 16, 2020

Looking Pretty

 I have become serious about my knitting. There are so many beautiful yarns available and different techniques. I have taken to becoming a "picker versus a thrower". Much easier on my hands and it really makes knitting look effortless to me. So I decided I needed new project bags for my new pretty work.

The pebble quilting gives great texture on Grunge fabric. I used Jen Bakers drawstring pattern.


Jan Hinman said...

I just began knitting last January. Crocheted for several decades. Quilted for a few (decades).

Aside from the fact that it probably wouldn't hold the projects I'd want to carry around, I just love that bag. The pebble quilting makes an elegant finish for found fabric.

Thank you for sharing the idea.

Unknown said...

Great bag, Hope you are well, I also knit but what is the ?"picker" Gloria